Sometimes when writing a unit test, you know that the module you're testing imports a module that you would like to observe, or at the very least mock to prevent side effects like network activity or file system operations.
For JavaScript unit tests that run in Node, we can hijack the built-in require
function by using the module, which allows us to mock one or more modules that are second-class dependencies in our unit test, replacing them with whatever we want.
This means we could replace functions with to prevent side effects, or replace them with to observe the inner workings of the module you're testing.
In this video, we'll demonstrate the basics of using Proxyquire to prevent and observe a file system operation.
const fs = require('fs');exports.writeFile = (filename, contents) => { fs.writeFileSync(filename, contents.trim(), 'utf8');}
For unit testing, we don't want to call 'fs.writeFileSync', instead we want to using mock function.
const assert = require('assert');const proxyquire = require('proxyquire');const sinon = require('sinon');const fsMock = {};// In index.js file, we want to mock 'fs' module with our fsMock objectconst main = proxyquire('./index.js', {'fs', fsMock});describe('main.writeFile', () => { it('should write a trimmed string to the specififed file', () => { fsMock.writeFileSync = sinon.spy(); main.writeFile('file.txt', 'string'); assert.deepEqual(fsMock.writeFileSync.getCall(0).args, ['file.txt', 'string', 'utf8']) })})